Time travel in Primeval is rather simple: time-portals, known as anomalies, mysteriously open in unforeseen moments and locations,...

Star Trek (2009)
As the third installment of J.J. Abram's reboot of Star Trek is hitting the big screens, let's recall that in the first one, time travel...

Project Almanac
Project Almanac was supposed to be all about time-travel. It can be seen that they tried. Well, at least for the first half of the film....

Continuum Season 2
In season 2 of this great show we can see the characters debating on the consequences of their time-travelling on the future they left....

Planet of the Apes (original pentalogy)
Planet of the apes is an interesting case. The first movie from 1968 showed "forward" time travel as allowed and predicted by Special...

A Test of Time (Continuum, 1x05)
I have recently begun watching this show, so I can't comment (nor score) the entire series's approach to time travel yet. But I will...